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                                  It’s your book


 Nava publishing, will treat your book like one of your kids with lots of love and respect, you keep one hundred percent of the rights. You own the copyrights to the entire book including kindle version and audio acx version including international worldwide copyrights. No other book publishing offers this, that’s what makes Nava publishing your best choice. Our prices are almost half of what other book publishers charge and if that wasn’t tempting enough we will treat every book with tenderness and respect. We have no gate keepers at Nava publishing which means your words will be respected.


              Five Publishing Packages to choose from


They are millions of books out there but none of them will be like yours. Nava publishing will do everything it can to polish your beautiful words into the great book it will be. In as little as a few weeks or in some cases a few months, we can get your book fully published depending on the word count. While other book publishers take one year from start to finish to publish any book. We at Nava publishing know how important time is and waiting countless months for a book release doesn’t seem right to us.


                                  Editing    Design     Marketing


Nava publishing will guide you and keep you informed of each step of the way we take from the beginning from chapter one to the end which is the book cover. We will work with you with your book cover giving you several options.


               Authors it’s time to make your dream into reality


The Nava Publishing experience stands apart from all other publishers. Think of Nava publishing as your jealous grandparent that knows the meaning of a hard earn dollar and a hard-spent dollar. Everyone that told you that writing a book is not for you, now is the time to rise from the ashes and prove every single person wrong. It’s time to show them it is possible, that you do have a voice and you will bless your bloodline with your words. Once your book goes live after all the lonely nights all the abuse all the tears, once it goes live worldwide you will become a published author, which means nobody can take that from you, it also means anything is possible. From a thought to a dream to a writer to a worldwide published author. It’s a very different story being a writer than a published author, it’s like time past a peasant is not the same as a knight. At Nava publishing we will knight you, let the journey begin, it starts with a phone call or an email.

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